Brain Sexton

The Weekly London Group

The Clinic is a twelve-week comprehensive programme for overcoming shyness, becoming more assertive and improving social skills. You will attend a two hour weekly group of 8-12 people, all of whom are working on similar problems. The atmosphere in the group is warm and supportive: you are never pressured to do anything that you don’t feel you can do – you proceed at your own pace. For most participants, the group represents the first time in their life that they have been in a room where ALL the people there are suffering from shyness and ready to do something about it! Most group members experience a sense of profound relief to finally be able to talk openly, honestly and without embarrassment about their difficulty.

At each group meeting you will learn and practice techniques, strategies and new approaches relevant to overcoming one of the dimensions of your shyness. You will practice with your fellow group members in role-plays, mock social situations and in speaking in front of the group in order to develop some facility in using your new skills. All of this is done in a positive, fun-filled atmosphere.

Between weekly group meetings you will have “homework” to do: assignments, tailored to your individual skill level, which allow you to try out your new strategies and techniques in real life situations. The cost of the programme is 50 pounds for each of the twelve two-hour sessions. Concessions are available for students and low earners upon request.

The Weekend Programme

Since there are virtually no Shyness Clinics anywhere else in the UK, in an attempt to help the widest number of people we are now able to offer an intensive Weekend Group Programme for people who do not live in the London area. The weekend consists of four hours of group sessions on Saturday, from 2-6pm, followed by dinner at a restaurant for those group members who are interested. On Sunday we meet again from 10am-2pm. Each Weekend Group has 6-8 members, usually coming from all over the UK, Ireland and the continent.

The entire programme consists of four weekends spaced about six weeks apart. The cost of each Weekend is 200 pounds, which includes lunch on Saturday and on Sunday. Group members will be responsible for paying for their own dinner Saturday night. Inexpensive overnight lodgings for Saturday night are available at a good bed and breakfast near where we meet, for those participants who will need accommodation. These weekends have proved very successful.

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Mob: 0797 9856188


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